Empowering Parents
Schools across Kansas are using a system to make sure students gain the academic, social-emotional and behavioral skills that lead students to successful, happy, safe lives, both now and wherever their future college and career plans lead them. This approach is called MTSS, which stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
The first layer of instruction in academics, social-emotional skills and behavioral expectations is called "universal" because it is provided to all students. Whether reading, science, behavior, or 21st Century soft skills, these lessons are provided to all students and will meet the needs of most students, most of the time.
For those students who need another layer of support — either extra practice or greater challenge — there are "workshops" that provide the additional time when an educator can work with a small group of students who need similar support. A few students may need yet another layer of support — one-on-one time with an educator, for example — until more skills are learned.
Rather than wait for students to struggle or become bored, we are proactive in assessing how students are progressing in all three areas — academics, behavioral skills and social-emotional learning. Providing supports as early as possible helps make sure that students have the best chance for mastery and success!
A fairly new resource from KBOR on searching programs and costs from Kansas colleges and universities is available on their web site, KSDegreeStats.org.
This online tool identifies all institutions, degree titles and allows you to search for key words that generates a complete list of all the options in Kansas for that area of study. Users can then generate a comparison chart that shows information on items like Resident Tuition, Fees, Room and Board, Books and Supplies and more. Each of the institutions will also display an estimated cost for 4 years with the wage and employment information for that area.
Helping students achieve their potential is critical to Kansas' economy and quality of life. But families need to be financially prepared for this expense. Unfortunately, many students and their families take on large student loans to finance education expenses after high school. The Learning Quest 529 Education Savings Program can help families reduce loans and utilize tax advantages while saving.
- Contributions are with “post tax” dollars.
- Contributions are deductible on a Kansas income tax return up to $3,000 for single filers and $6,000 for joint filers per beneficiary.
- Payroll deduction is a great way to make your contributions automatic.
- Earnings grow tax free and can be withdrawn tax free for qualified expenses.
- More information is available at www.learingquest.com.
The state of Kansas will even help families of modest means get started with the K.I.D.S. Matching Grant Program. Kansas families with incomes less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level can have their contributions to a Learning Quest 529 Education Savings account matched up to $600 per student each year that their income is eligible. For example, a family of four making $50,200 or less annually, qualifies for this program. Most students who qualify for free school lunches will also qualify for this incentive. If their parents begin contributing from birth, the State of Kansas will contribute over $10,000 to that student’s education.
More information and can be found at www.KansasStateTreasurer.com/KIDS.