Board of Education
Reese Blaylock
Reese graduated with the South Haven Class of 2009. He is married to Jordan Hallman Blaylock, another South Haven graduate. They have two children currently attending South Haven. Reese was appointed to the USD 509 Board of Education in 2022.
Seth Brown
Seth is a 2019 graduate of South Haven Schools. Seth is a big community supporter and plans to stay in the area. Seth has been a member of the USD 509 Board of Education since 2018.
Kalen Fitch
Kalen is a 2008 graduate of South Haven School. He is a partner in Fitch Farms, and he and his wife have three sons who attend (or will attend) South Haven School. Kalen has been a member of the USD 509 Board of Education since 2018.
Don Minor
Steve Nicholson
Steven Nicholson graduated from South Haven High School in 1990. He is married to Kalli Nicholson, and has five children Shane, Alex, Abigail, Mae, and Quade. He is employed at Globe Engineering Inc. Steve serves the community in many fashions including city council, Captain for the South Haven fire department, and member of the fair board. Steve was elected to the Board of Education in 2013.
Jennifer Strickland
Jennifer Strickland grew up in Valley Center, KS, and graduated from Valley Center High School in 2009. She moved to South Haven after she married John Strickland, a 2002 South Haven graduate. The couple have three daughters who attend South Haven School. Jen has worked at the Sumner County Clerk's Office for 10 years and has been a South Haven Township[ Library board member since 2020. Jen was elected to the Board of Education in 2023.
Click on the link to see the unofficial minutes for the past year. No minutes are official until approved by the Board of Education at a regular monthly meeting.
Board of Education Unofficial Minutes
Click on each date in the link below to see the agenda for that meeting. Remember, no agenda is final until approved by the Board of Education at the meeting.
Meeting Agendas
The South Haven Board of Education meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the South Haven School library. If a meeting is moved from this time, or a special meeting is needed, these changes will be announced on the home page of the website and in the school calendar.
BCAE Public Hearings
The board may hold public hearings on matters which the board deems appropriate.
Public hearings will be held at a convenient time and a suitable place.
The board president or vice-president shall preside at public hearings and shall request every participant to state name, residence and purpose for speaking. After a hearing is called to order the board may delegate another individual to run the actual hearing.
Approved: May 13, 2015
BCBI Public Participation at Board Meetings
Open Forum
The president or presiding officer may ask patrons attending if they would like to speak during the open forum. Rules for the public forum will be available from the clerk prior to the board meeting and at the meeting itself. The board president may impose a limit on the time a visitor may address the board. The board president may ask groups with the same interest to appoint a spokesperson to deliver the group’s message. Except to ask clarifying questions, board members shall not interact with speakers at the open forum.
Patron-Requested Agenda Items
Any patron may request addition of a specific agenda item and shall notify the superintendent {seven} days prior to the meeting and state the reason(s) for the request. The superintendent shall determine whether the request can be solved by staff without the patron’s appearance before the board. If not, the superintendent shall consult with the board president, and the patron’s request may be placed on the next regular board meeting agenda.
Handling Complaints
The superintendent may refer complaints to the board only if a satisfactory adjustment cannot be made by a principal, the superintendent, or other appropriate staff members.
Approved: May 13, 2015