District » NonResident Student Info

NonResident Student Info

Student Enrollment  Projections and Capacity 2024-25

Nonresident Student Enrollment Capacity
USD 509 will have limited capacity to accept nonresident students for the 2024-25 school year. Based on the projected enrollment and capacity to operate effectively, USD 509 will accept nonresident students determined to be in good standing as outlined in the table above. The USD 509 Board of Education has set the maximum student capacity per grade level at 18 students per class. Classes in the above table that meet or exceed that capacity are highlighted in red and will not accept out-of-district students. The district reserves the right to assign nonresident students to a school and the selection process is outlined below.

Students living outside of the USD 509 boundary must formally apply for nonresident enrollment and
use the application linked below which will be available on or before June 1, 2024. The completed
application must be received by no later than June 30, 2024. All questions about nonresident enrollment
shall be directed to Daniel Farley, 620-892-5215, or [email protected].
Between June 1 and June 30 - Nonresident application window
Between July 1 and July 15 - Nonresident random lottery/selection process completed / Student denial
notifications completed

Nonresident Application Process

Non-resident students wishing to become part of the student body of USD 509 must fill out an application and be accepted into the district. Acceptance is not automatic. No student will be enolled without the application found linked below. The completed application will be forwarded to Zane Aguilar, South Haven Schools Principal, for consideration. 

NonResident Student Applications to USD 509

Non-Resident Student Enrollment Policy JBCC